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How Progressive Relaxation Can Stop Ear Ringing By Handing You The Reins

Progressive muscle relaxation is a simple procedure that eases you into a completely relaxed state. But that is not the only benefit.

Did you know that progressive relaxation can give you relief from ringing in the ears?

Learning how the body feels when it is tensed and relaxed allows you to be in control of your body. As soon as  daily stress occurs in your life, you can force the stress out of your body.

You can release tensions, relax your body, and rid yourself of that ringing by learning this simple relaxation technique.

This technique involves two key parts. First, you intentionally produce tension in various parts of your body. Second, you release the tension and hone in on how your body feels as the tension is expelled.

Learn The Invaluable Technique of Progressive Muscle Relaxation to Cure Ringing Ears With These 10 Easy-To-Follow Steps.

1) Lie down on your back with your legs out and your arms loosely near your body, palms up. Wear loose clothing and take off your shoes to allow your body freedom to move. Close your eyes.

  • Place a yoga mat or some sort of cushioning under your body so you are as comfortable as possible.
  • You could also place a pillow under your head.
  • It could be helpful to sit in a comfortable chair if you prefer but you can also prop up some pillows and sit on the floor. Sit or lie down in the position that is most comfortable for you.
  • As you continue practicing progressive relaxation, you will learn about which positions are best for your body.

2) Start taking long, deep breaths in and out of the body. Feel the breaths go deep into your lungs, then slowly let out of your body. Take breaths in and out through your nose.

  • I like to practice diaphragmatic breathing at this point. Put simply, this means very deep breathing where you can almost feel your diaphragm move. As you feel your diaphragm contract, also feel your lungs expanding in your rib cage.
  • Some experts recommend breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Trial both methods and find what works best for you.

3) Focus your mind on your extremities, the farthest points of your body away from your core. Imagine your energy at the very tips of your fingers.

  • I recommend starting with your fingers but as you deepen your practice, you will learn which body parts are best for you to start with and help get your grounded.
  • It doesn’t matter where you start and where you end as long as you focus on the two important elements – tension and relaxation.
  • If you are right handed, start with the right part of the body. If you are left handed, start with the left part of the body.

4) Think about all your body’s energy at the tips of your fingers (or other starting point of your choice) and move your fingers gently and slowly.

5) Tense your fingers, envisioning the tightness of the muscles as well. Hold the tension for 5-10 seconds.

  • Some people recommend squeezing or tensing the muscles in the initial relaxed position, while some suggest bringing the extremities close together. For example, you can keep the fingers stretched out straight while tensing them or you can make your hand into a fist and squeeze the muscles that way.
  • Try to isolate the muscle you are tensing as best as possible. This means that you will focus on squeezing just the fingers rather than the forearm, bicep, and shoulder.
  • You may feel a slight pain when you isolate and tense certain parts of your body. This is normal. You may be activating small muscles that you never have before. You are also bringing awareness into those normally neglected muscles of your body.

6) Release the tension from your fingers. Imagine the tension leaving your body, evaporating away from the muscle into the surface of the skin and then floating away from you.

  • It is important to pay close attention to how your muscles feel when they are tensed. Then, focus directly on how the muscles feel when they are in a state of pure relaxation.
  • While in a state of relaxation, imagine the tension in a concrete form as it leaves your body. Some practictioners imagine their tension as confetti, globes of light, or even swirls of wind. Again, choose the imagery that works best for you.

7) Continue tensing and releasing but also imagining the various tensions in the small muscles of your body. Remember, tense for about 5-10 seconds if you can. Then, allow the slow release of tension from your body part for another 5-10 seconds.

8) Move from your extremities up to the core of your body and then into the face.

  • I recommend starting with your fingers and hands, then moving into your arms, and shoulders. Then start at your toes and foot, moving into your legs, and buttocks. Finally, begin again at the abdomen, back, and chest. Move into your face as the last place to tense and release the muscles.
  • This is just a recommendation regarding the sequence of body parts. You will create your own pattern of what works best for you.
  • Remember, start with your dominant side of the body. For me, it would be the right side.
  • It may be difficult at first to isolate tiny muscles such as those in the face. This will improve with more practice to create an even deeper relaxation and sense of control for you.
  • Pay specific attention and devote as much time as possible to the tension release in the area around the ears. Really envision the relaxation that will envelope the ears as the ringing evaporates from your body.

9) You will find you have more control over how your body reacts to its sensations as you continue your practice.

  • This means you will also have control over the sensations of tinnitus. When you feel the ringing in your ears starting, begin your progressive relaxation practice.
  • With some experience, you will be able to summon those feelings of tension release from the ear and facial areas naturally.
  • You will garner not only the strength to relieve yourself of the pain and torment of those ringing pains in the ears, but you will gain a new control of your body and the empowerment that comes with it.

10) Remember to practice frequently. Short bursts of practice on a regular schedule (3-5 days per week) are best for learning and then maintaining your skills. May relief come to you soon!

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